Tag: Recruitment

Employee Turnover Myths Debunked

7th June 2016
Employee Turnover Myths Debunked

Every hiring manager has a view as to why they think employees leave an organisation. But all too often the evidence throws up surprisingly different reasons. We take a look at some of the most common myths and consider why they need challenging: Low turnover is great – high turnover is terrible This is a […]

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Understanding and improving employee turnover

17th May 2016
Understanding and improving employee turnover

Employee turnover tends to be a pressing concern for most businesses, especially in markets where competition for the best talent is fierce and the costs for recruitment are high. A high employee turnover rate affects organisational morale, productivity and continuity. It can negatively impact the employer brand as a whole, leading to a perception that […]

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Are Candidates Engaged? How To Find Out Before Making An Offer

14th March 2016
Are Candidates Engaged? How To Find Out Before Making An Offer

Employee engagement has become a major focus in recruitment strategies. So how can you determine a candidate’s engagement level? Recent research undertaken by HR Zone has shown that despite growing recognition as to the importance of engagement, much work is yet to be done. Global commitment and engagement levels stand at just 25.3% with Europe […]

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Why is leadership so important?

11th January 2016
Why is leadership so important?

Peter Drucker, the legendary academic and business consultant, once said “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” He had spent most of his professional life studying management and leadership and came to view the availability of the latter as the single most important aspect of business life. He also argued that […]

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