Tag: gut feeling

Data Driven Recruitment Vs. Traditional Recruitment

28th March 2020
Data Driven Recruitment Vs. Traditional Recruitment

The differences between data driven recruitment and traditional recruitment are significant. Simply speaking, traditional recruitment involves relying on the data gained from a CV and an interview and using this to make a decision. Therefore, a lot of your information is qualitative and recruiters must rely on their ‘gut’ feelings and intuition to make hiring […]

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What are the Benefits of Data Driven Recruitment?

27th March 2020
What are the Benefits of Data Driven Recruitment?

Data driven recruitment is not a new sentiment, in fact, it gained traction back in 2011.[1] However, many companies still do not realise how data driven recruitment can help their company. Shockingly, 28% of recruitment decisions are still made based upon a ‘gut’ feeling. It would come as no surprise then that 74% of hiring […]

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