Personalised advice for managing your team working at home
As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread across the globe, countless companies in all different shapes and sizes are forced to continually firefight to save their businesses.
One of the biggest challenges with the way that coronavirus has forced us all indoors is related to the remote management of workers while we all see our job descriptions adapt and our workforce entirely restructured.
With individual workers struggling with their day-to-day tasks, the way that businesses function changing overnight and no meetings or supervision possible – for managers across the globe, it’s an incredibly pressing time.

Managing a team from home
So, what happens in a time of global confusion – say a pandemic for example.
What happens when our workforce is forced to stay home, how will the manager continue to support and manage their team effectively? Different individuals will, naturally, have different responses and it’s down to the manager to identify these responses and react accordingly to get the very best out of each individual.
But achieving this isn’t exactly as simple as it may seem.
The Managing Remote Workers Report
That’s where the Managing Remote Workers Report comes in.
The Managing Remote Workers report is designed to be used by managers that are now having to remotely manage and supervise their teams. It provides a narrative understanding of each of their team members preferred work style in a remote working environment and some specific remote working tips relevant to each team member and their preferred work style.
This report is designed for your use by any of your management team. Ideally, a manager who should have a report on each of their team members that are now working remotely. The report is designed to give the managers unique tips for each team member as to how best to support and manage them whilst working remotely.
We want to give managers support during these unprecedented times as its very different managing someone when they sit in the same room as you 9-5 than it is now. With employees having other responsibilities, often juggling work/kids etc., external factors may mean they could do with some help!
The report is powered by Big 5 Assessments, an online Psychometric Assessment company and is included with every license purchased. To find out more visit or email
The takeaway
Tips for managing your team working at home is not and should not be a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all document.
By using The Managing Remote Workers Report, powered by Big 5 Assessments, you can ensure that you’re getting the perfect stay-at-home help managing your team.
Stay safe and keep productive.
About the Author: Nikky Van Bommel