Eradicate the Monday Blues
Hate Mondays? Feeling burned out? Well you’re not the only one. The feeling of dread you get on a Sunday evening is a sure-fire sign that you are not satisfied with your job. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Did you know that a recent Gallup study has shown that 70% of employees worldwide are dissatisfied with their job? That means that less that a third of people at satisfied at work.

If you are ready to make the change and eradicate the Monday blues, then there is something you can do. WhatJobFitsMe is a great starting point. It allows you to complete a free career assessment and helps you to understand what jobs you might be best suited towards.
With the unique approach of combining both a Big 5 Personality Assessment and a My Full Potential Assessment you can find your career match in no time at all.
Trying to plan for a career change is a nerve-wracking time. It can often be full of uncertainty. You question whether you are doing the right thing, whether the grass will be greener on the other side, and taking some of the guess work out of this process is like a calming breath. By taking the Career Test from WhatJobFitsMe, you will be able to feel prepared for the next step of your career, knowing that your personality and strengths are a match for your next role.
Often, we as humans get stuck in a trap of hating Mondays and being dissatisfied at work, and it can be difficult to know what job would get you out of this cycle. You might know that your current job leaves you feeling dissatisfied and despising the start of the work week, but you don’t know what job would help you to feel otherwise. Taking the Career Test can help you to find jobs that match your preferences including your potential salary, progression, strengths and your personality assessment. It might even show you career prospects you have never considered before.
Deciding to get rid of the Monday blues is a huge step in the right direction for many of us. Why should we dread Mondays, or feel unfulfilled in our jobs? There is never going to be a perfect time to consider changing your job or swapping careers, but imagine what it would feel like going to bed on a Sunday evening ready and raring for the week ahead. That could be you and the Career Test by WhatJobFitsMe is the perfect place to start.
About the Author: Nikky Van Bommel