Archive for November, 2016

Big 5 Assessments Reseller of the month: Sticky People

19th November 2016
Big 5 Assessments Reseller of the month: Sticky People

We’ve started a new tradition here at Big 5 Assessments of highlighting a “Reseller of the Month.” With so many resellers (we now have over 20 resellers around the globe ), it’s hard to choose just one, but November’s honour goes to (drum roll, please) …Sticky People We first started working with Neil Eastwood founder of Sticky People 4 […]

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Too quick to judge? The long-term damage of bias in recruitment

7th November 2016
Too quick to judge? The long-term damage of bias in recruitment

Bias in the recruitment process can have far-reaching consequences, but there are things recruiters can do to minimise the chances of making poor decisions. There is no escaping the fact that however open-minded we may be, we all have our own set of in-built prejudices and biases. Our upbringings, personalities and life experiences all influence […]

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What is your core?

1st November 2016
What is your core?

You might well be thinking, what does an apple core have to do with people and their personal development? So let’s explain… Whether interviewing a prospective employee, considering why a colleague or friend prefers to behave in a certain way (perhaps in a very different way from yourself), or reflecting on your own behavioural style […]

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