Four steps for turning challenges into opportunities
During these unprecedented times we have teamed up with our reseller and friend Graham Stuart who is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Coach and Mindfulness Coach.
Over the forthcoming weeks we will be providing a regular message from Graham (regularly referred to as ‘Graham the Good’ in the office) containing suggestions for health and wellbeing in these difficult times.
We trust you will find them useful and empowering – feel free to share them with your colleagues, co-workers and friends.

4 Steps for turning challenges into opportunities
We’re living through challenging times. But inherent in nearly all challenges are opportunities for renewal and transformation.
Corporate lay-offs can provide the opportunity to find a more meaningful job, transition into a new career, or pursue the dream of starting your own business.
How you respond to crises has a lot to do with the lens through which you habitually perceive the world. If you tend to see the world through a “gloom and doom” lens, you may be reacting to current events with feelings of fear, anxiety, or a sense of despair or powerlessness. And even if you tend to view things through the lens of optimism, you may be reacting to the constant barrage of negative media messages with milder feelings of concern and insecurity.
Below are four steps you can take to help you make this shift:
1. Notice how often you expose yourself to the negative messages from the people around you – and the media.
2. Make a list of the ways the current crises are impacting you or your life. For example, “I’m worried I’m going to lose my job”, “I have less money to go out to eat”, or “Sales are down and business is slow.”
3. Write down the opportunities inherent in each challenge.
· Update your CV and start networking at the appropriate time.
· Download some new recipes and expand your cooking skills
· Use this slow time to update your marketing materials and look for opportunities to help others
4. Recognize that there may be some challenges that are simply beyond your control but manage your thoughts carefully. Instead of expending energy worrying and complaining about it, turn your attention to those challenges with opportunities you can act upon now.
Tune in next week for more top tips from Graham the good. Don’t forget we are here if we can help with anything!
About the Author: Nikky Van Bommel