How Can What Job Fits Me Support Your Practice?
With A-Level results day around the corner, it is important to think about careers. Yes, the word ‘career’ can be quite daunting if you’re fresh out of education and have no idea what to do with your life. But do not fear, the WhatJobFitsME career test will help students of all ages, and types, to figure out their passion in life. This article is for the career advisers out there, whose job it is to support students through the confusing, and all-consuming world of work.

Did you know that recent research by Gallup showed that over 70% of employees are dissatisfied with their career and that 41% of workers wish that they’d had more support and guidance before they chose their career path? The young people in education at the moment are luckier than ever because of the new statutory guidance which states that all schools need to provide a good level of impartial careers advice, setting a precedence for change. With the help of careers advisers, such as yourself, and fantastic tools, such as WhatJobFitsME, these young people should be well on their way to finding their passion, and hopefully earning a decent living along the way!
Whether it is before, during, or after A Levels, the benefits of taking a Psychometric Career Assessment are astonishing. Firstly, and possibly most importantly, it helps the students to plan out their career path. Until this point, they may not have considered the career progression to get to where they want to be. It can be disheartening for students to realise that for a lot of jobs, you have to work your way up the food-chain. But being in the know can support their journey to the top! Now, for some people, their A Level results may not be exactly what they hoped for. Using a career test can help your students to evaluate other options out there, especially if they do not want to continue their education.
It is useful for you to know a bit more about WhatJobFitsME and how it can benefit your practice as a career adviser. Before you can get into the nitty gritty of supporting students with essential skills, such as writing a CV or interview skills, the young people must first begin to think about what career suits them. WhatJobFitsME is as simple as a five-minute quiz, which judges the student’s personality based upon current personality-theories. After the test is completed, the student will be given a wealth of information regarding their strengths, professions that suit their personality, the earning potential of careers they are suited for and a whole host of other exciting things to help them better understand their options for the future. The information provided will help them to carefully consider their choice of career and evaluate how to get there, with your support, of course.
WhatJobFitsME is not just any career test, it is based upon over thirty years of experience in Recruitment and Selection, meaning that the results provided are accurate and thoughtful. The use of Job Fit technology, studying 12 million people from around the world, provides an extra level of depth to this career test. It is interactive, easy to understand and can benefit your practice greatly by giving succinct results, rather than pages and pages of text.
If you’re unsure, why not check it out yourself and try the free trail available at You, and your students, will not be disappointed.
About the Author: Nikky Van Bommel